

If you want to make a difference and help others while learning about sexual health and keeping yourself safe, then you need to join SMART Youth! You can come to any of our events around the city or come to one of our movie nights or Open Mic events. Check out our schedule to learn what we are doing or e-mail

Monday, November 11, 2013

Making Connections- How to Network Successfully

On Friday, November 1st, we had a workshop about networking. Networking involves interacting with other people to exchange information and develop contacts.  SMART Youth learned about the importance of networking both in advocacy and in our future career paths.  Plus, we learned new skills to use when connecting with others! Here are just a few of the things we learned:
  1. Networking is about making a genuine connection with another person. It isn’t always about using someone or a connection for your own benefit.
  2. Giving off a good first impression is important. To give a good impression, make sure you introduce yourself first, have a firm hand shake, and have good eye contact.
  3. Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal communication! Your body language can say a lot about you! 
  4. Before going to an event or meeting, know your goals for meeting other people. 
We also did role-plays to practice our skills. In the coming months SMART Youth leaders will put their skills to practice at community events. We are ready to go out and meet others and share the important work that SMART Youth does in the community!

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