

If you want to make a difference and help others while learning about sexual health and keeping yourself safe, then you need to join SMART Youth! You can come to any of our events around the city or come to one of our movie nights or Open Mic events. Check out our schedule to learn what we are doing or e-mail

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 2010 Schedule

1. October 8th, 4:30-6:30, SMART's Office
SMART Youth Dance Workshop: we have a youth instructor that will teach us a quick, simple, but engaging routine that will be showcased at the Halloween Party.

2. October 15th, 4:30 (SHARP) - 6:30, SLATE (54 W. 21st street)
Visiting the Halloween Party Location: The youth will be meeting at this location in order to get a view of the space where the halloween party will be help.
Janet Cameron will be leading this event, for more information contact her at: 212-564-3282

3. October 22nd, 4:30-6:30, SMART's Office
Snag Bags: Hopefully by this time we will have all materials in order to make new Youth Snag/Shag bags for the Halloween Party. We will also be getting last minute things in order if necessary.

4. October 29th, 4:30-6:30, SMART's Office
Down to the Wire: Last minute obligations for the Halloween Party, getting ready to bring things over to the club.

*5. October 30th, 12-5 (volunteers), 1-4 (attendees), SLATE
HALLOWEEN PARTY! (must have an invite to be admitted, for youth ages 13-22 ONLY!)


1. Location for the Halloween Party has been found, food has been secured, invites are being sent out. We're on a roll!

2. Summary of the conference will be put up tonight. (The 18th International AIDS Conference 2010 in Vienna, Austria)

3. Tentative schedule for the months of SMART Youth has been set up (will post all details in a new update form)

4. New Palm card has been designed. SMART Youth presents: "I <3 Safe Sex", this design can also be bought on a t-shirt at our cafepress shop. (

5. Janet Cameron has returned to help with the re-structuring of SMART Youth. :)

That's all for now!